
How fast can you identify
the values on a blood pressure dial?

Write your awesome label here.

Here's why it matters

Imagine it's your first time taking a blood pressure measurement manually.

You're inflating and deflating the cuff, listening for tapping sounds, watching the needle movement, and recalling the line values on the dial. You know that the procedure should take approximately one minute to complete and realize that the potential for patient discomfort and inaccurate readings increases with time. Your nervousness begins to show.

This is a scenario that many new students face when learning how to take manual blood pressure measurements. It can be an overwhelming experience!

Here's a solution

Let's isolate the skills and focus on mastering the line values on the dial. When you improve your speed in identifying line values, you'll also improve the overall time it takes to obtain a blood pressure reading.

Play the Speed Dial game to improve your speed, accuracy, and confidence with identifying line values. Remember, the line values increase in a clockwise direction in increments of 2. Give it a try!
Write your awesome label here.

Keep going!

Congratulations on completing one of several activities in our Determining Blood Pressure Readings course. Did you do well with the activity? If not, don't worry! You'll master the necessary skills quickly when you complete the lessons in the full course.

The step-by-step lessons and activities will help you:

  • Discover components of the sphygmomanometer.
  • Identify the line values on the blood pressure dial.
  • Listen to Korotkoff sounds to determine blood pressure readings.
  • Develop speed with manual blood pressure readings.
Reading Syringes

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